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Listing all routes in a settlement's Web



  • Cristie Moore

    Thank you for the positive feedback, it's really appreciated and I'll share it with the team.

    I think I understand and can see the issue you raise.  Do you mean the routes that go around the web?  The spokes are there but not the routes that make up the wheel around the edge?

    Best wishes,

  • Yorkie Christine

    Yes that's right.  It would be great if the routes that go round the edge of the Web were also listed in the table on the Web page as well as being shown on the Web map.    

    Reason being, now that I've reviewed all of York's routes I'm taking as my next project walking the routes around the outside of the Web.  I therefore created a Waylist for myself of York's Web (before the website redesign) but I've often wanted to see the Web quickly at a glance without having to log in and navigate to my Waylist page (which takes several more clicks).   I was delighted to see with the new design that I can go straight to a page showing the Web map, but then found only the “spokes” are currently listed underneath it.


  • Cristie Moore

    Thanks for confirming, yes it would be handy wouldn't it.  I've asked if it's possible to add them, which I think it will be, it just might take time for it to happen.

    I'm glad you have the Waylist for the York Web in the meantime.

    Best wishes,

  • Yorkie Christine

    Cheers Cristie for passing the idea on :-)

  • Daisy Cairns

    Good catch! It's odd, I'm pretty sure the webs did previously include the wheel as well as the spokes, although I don't think every settlement had one. And text does read as if the wheel should be on there, perhaps something got missed out when the change happened.

  • Yorkie Christine

    Just noticed a weird thing about the Web map for York.  It doesn't show all the routes, but the inclusion/omission doesn't match the verified/unverified distinction, or any other logic that I can see.

    E.g. It shows Lonyor one but not Lonyor two even though both are snailed.

    E.g. It shows Yorsta one but not Yorsta two.

    E.g. It shows Haxsta two but not Haxsta one even though neither are snailed and Haxsta two is much newer. 

    E.g. It shows both Yorhax one and Yorhax two - so it can't be that only one route has been selected to show up for each Slow Way. 

    Is there a logic I can't see?  


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