Filenames to include route version number
If the filenames could include the route number it would be helpful.
E.G. could 1404_Gilsit_Gillingham_Sittingbourne be changed to 1404_Gilsit_01_Gillingham_Sittingbourne or 1404_Gilsit_Gillingham_Sittingbourne_001 or similar. I have often downloaded two or more versions of a route perhaps because I need to unpick the differences between overlapping routes (and even different routes that overlap like the very confusing Pembroke Dock area) or simply putting two un-alike versions of a Slow Way onto my phone to walk them in one trip. It would make it just that bit easier to save it under the right name. It's a pretty small tweak, and maybe it's too late once there are 8000+ route filenames, but… don't ask don't get.
Hi Daisy,
Definitely worth asking so thank you for your suggestion.
I'm not sure if we can do it but will put it forward as an idea to explore as you're right the file names can get confusing.
Best wishes,
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