"My Snailed Reviews"
Ideally pre-sorted by date of that third review.
Not much functional benefit, just for curiosity and motivation.
While I'm here a “My Routes” waylist would be nice for similar non-functional reasons.
Thanks Daisy. I'll share your suggestions.
Best wishes,
Cristie0 -
Realised that there is a practical reason to ID which reviews make up the total no. of snails one has contributed to.
In the survey guidance it says something like maybe don't bother with gradient measurements until the route has acually been snailed. That waylist would help prioritise routes to revisit and survey. I'm thinking of surveying local, long ago reviewed walks - most are nearby and suitable for short winter days.
0 -
Yes, I can see how that would be useful. I've made the suggestion and will let you know what happens.
Best wishes,
Cristie0 -
Thanks Cristie
Sorry to add another bit to this, again. My Surveys would be another nice-to-have automatic waylist please. On reflection it'd actually be more helpful, personally, than My Snailed Reviews for prioritising survey effort. Plus it'd make it much easier to work out which surveys I've done but not yet written up, so I'd better get on and make a waylist for it myself!
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