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Slow Ways App



  • Cristie Moore

    Thank you for asking about the apps and for getting involved.  The good news is that the Android app is currently being beta-tested.  Please send me an email at if you would like to take part in the testing? 

    The other way to use an Android phone is to download the routes gpx file from the Slow Ways website.  You can then read it using a navigation app such as OS maps, Komoot, Outdoor Active or Locus Map.  They all have Android app versions available.

    Best wishes,

  • Amos Folarin

    Hi just joined, really like the idea. I'm also a Android user happy to test the app if needed.

  • Cristie Moore

    Hi Amos,

    Thank you for offering to help test the app.  I think we've arranged this now via email but please let me know if not.

    Best wishes,

  • Philip Le Marquand

    If you are still looking for beta testers I'd be happy to help

  • Cristie Moore

    Hi Philip,

    If you'd like to be involved then you'd be more than welcome.  Please could you email me at and I can share more details.

    Best wishes,


    I’m still having terrible issues trying to use SlowWays on my android phone.

    Not used for several months - been far too wet up here to get out and walking across fields/low lying land - but tried a new route last Friday. My friend has apple phone and she can access route etc on that so we were kept right. I had to replicate route onto my OS Maps app so that I too had something to refer to!

    Also, when using the website on my IPad, every time I select a new link from any page I have to accept cookies again!! It’s really annoying!

    Has anyone else resolved the android phone issues we raised last year?

  • Cristie Moore

    Thanks so much for feeding back, we really appreciate it.  I know work was done to resolve the issues but it sounds as though more is needed.  Please can I check what was happening?  Was it the battery draining, the route not showing or something else?  If you'd rather email me to chat then please do on  That way I can feed everything back to the app developer.  Android App is a replica of Apple App so it's great that you could test both in the field and find one working and one not.

    With the iPad I'll mention it and ask if there's something we can do.  It may be cookies settings on the iPad itself rather than the Slow Ways website as the Slow Ways should remember it.  Always worth checking though. 

    Best wishes,


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