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Intermediate phase in checking the routes...



  • Slow Ways Support

    I'd prefer fewer routes to pick from, but I'd also like to have the ability to contribute to or build on previous efforts. There is a tension between the creativity and ideas of contributions vs the needs of users. Also the ability to maybe show the history of updates to a route that has been improved upon by its creator or others.

    I agree with the door your are pushing on Kevin about the gap between a new route being created and it being rated enough times to have value... essentially this is a question of verification and the different ways that a route can be verified?

    • Made by someone trusted or a trusted group
    • Reviewed by someone from their desk
    • Walked by the route creator
    • Tested by someone who's completed the route

    Can you think of any other good ways to verify a route?

    I'm seeing verification as being different to a review, which is more about quality.


  • Kevin

    I like the trusted concept, maybe there is a way for the creators and reviewers to accumulate a level/rating, something along the lines of Google Guides or Ebay traders.

    How many routes they've created
    How many routes they've walked
    How well-rated their routes have been

    On similar lines, as a route author could I give my routes a rating showing how satisfied I am that it is reasonably direct, do'able and safe. If I ponder on the ones I did I can imagine giving some a 9/10, but there were others at a 5 out of 10. That in itself would be a useful flag as to which routes needed review and/or walking.

    I have to offer apologies Daniel as I'm aware I'm not giving you a well-considered rounded process!


  • Slow Ways Support

    Not at all. It's a great conversation to tease out options for pre-launch, launch and then possibilities for the future.

    I like your third suggestion a lot.

    I think there could be some way of providing trust to groups that work in the relevant areas too. That way you could see a route that's be verified or recommended by locals.


  • Slow Ways Support

    Linking to this post in search for good collaborative tools for refining the network.


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