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Which are your favourite walking trails websites and apps.. and why?

Followed by 12 people



  • Stuart Bain

    Hi Dan. I use the LDWA website regularly. This contains a rich source on long distance trails on its long distance path database.

  • Hovel40a

    For walks in a particular locality I look at Walking Britain which collates walking routes from different sources in the area.

  • Iansnowy

    The #walk1000miles FB group have shown great interest in what you are doing, i'm sure many will be interested in walking and checking routes.

    The apps I use most are OS Maps (of course!) ViewRanger and occasionally Relive

  • Jenny Rees

    Walk Highlands:

    Covers all of Scotland, not just the Highlands.

    And of course the Ramblers Association:


  • Mike Farmer

    I'd second the Walk Highlands site.  Plenty of standardised data about each route making comparisons straightforward; route descriptions with plenty of photos, and an active community of users posting their own experiences, and general walking related chat.

  • Neil McColl

    OS maps app is so handy for walking.

  • Amanda Brace

    ViewRanger is my favourite for downloading walks in places I don't know and recording local routes. it's good for navigating as well as recording time and distance. The skyline feature makes it great fun too. 

    I also use OS maps app.


  • Jonathan Lawder has links to lots of walking and cycling route gpx files

  • Carole Paish

    Viewranger has lots of popular routes.
    I like Garmin courses for popular routes across open access land where OS maps might be lacking. As the Garmin follows actual route followed on the ground it can be really helpful finding the best way down a steep slope or through a bog.
    Wikiloc is useful in some places. Super easy to use with photos.

  • Andrew Mackay

    One I use quite regularly to check GR and is a dual screen aerial and OS combo is Where's the Path. More of a website to check than plan routes, but I really like the ability to have two maps side by side.


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