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  • Hi Fiona, thanks very much for this.

    Is the current route dangerous or just unpleasant to walk down?

    Might you be up for uploading an alternative route option for this Slow Way? One that takes into account  your suggestions?


    - Dan

  • Daisy Cairns

    I took a look and found a pretty direct route. It's mix of small and big-ish but not huge roads. But they are all paved.
    Maybe the original route should be removed now seeing as the only review says it is unsafe for pedestrians.

    While I was there I saw that a long distance route, the Fife Pilgrim Way, connects the two towns. So I loaded that up too. My justification is that it's better under criteria 5, 8 (probably), 9 and 10.

    Although route two wins on 3 (probably) and 4 which are the most important, and also 7. I think the Slow Ways "policy" now is to have multiple routes if it seems required or particularly useful, and to let the reviews sort out what works or doesn't.

  • Fiona M McOwan

    Thanks Daisy, yes the Fife Pilgrim Way route is pretty much all off road, which makes it even better for walkers, and it's well waymarked. 

  • Cristie Moore

    Great work Daisy.  Thank you for Duninv two and three.  I agree that it seems wise to remove Duninv one now that there are much better alternatives.  I've taken it from the network today.

    Best wishes,

  • Daisy Cairns

    No problem Fiona. It's reassuring to know the waymarks are actually there, Google street view has this weird visual effect when looking for a upright posts, you think one might be a signpost or waymark but sometimes they disappear into a blur once you get the camera position close enough to actually read them. It was interesting having a good old internet nosey around the area and getting a feel for it, plus reading about the Pilgrim Way has got me thinking about walking a "Long Distance Walk" sometime soon. 

    And thank you too Cristie, happy to help. 



  • Fiona M McOwan

    The other long distance path is the Fife Coastal Path, which is not waymarked but has plenty signposts, so between the two, there are quite a number of good options for travel by foot or cycle.



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