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Link to whoever posted the route



  • Sofa Jockey

    Am I right to think that many of these routes were (and I mean this kindly) banged together at speed during the initial building process? I'm expecting that many of these routes will be superseded by more honed routes and that the wonderful individuals who did the initial work don't necessarily want to be harangued by people about their 'first pass'? It's so much easier to review and develop a route that exists than one that does not.

  • Mike Davies

    I agree that the routes were probably added quickly to get the project underway and I'm in no way disrespectful of those who have given their time to do this. I just wondered if this function might  be available in future and might encourage discussion at a local level by people with knowledge of the area.

  • Heather Walton

    The key thing is that the original drafters were armchair planning with no chance to check on the ground other than with Google Streetview (local knowledge may have come in occasionally but not in a widespread way).  So it is entirely expected that changes will be needed.


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