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  • David Sanderson

    Yes. I can start on it now

  • David Sanderson Done. I've used the landowner's suggestion as having looked at it, it was the only game in town. I've tidied the route marking over the rest of the route. I think there could be an alternative route via Burley but that would take a fair bit of consideration.

  • mark

    I’ve done a western alternative…. Very much an armchair route. Hope it’s okay.

    I concur that a route going through the New Forest could work, but that’d definitely need good local knowledge.

  • mark

    Random question: What happens with numbering in situations where a route is replaced?

    I mean, Suppose we had AbcXyz 1, 2, 3, 4,5 and route 1 became untenable…. Do they all bump up a notch (potentially confusing people), is ‘One’ left vacant to avoid confusing people with name changes (with the next new option becoming ‘one’, or is route 5 renamed (so only one changes?)

    Similarly, if someone submits a new route, can it be tested for similarity to current routes? No point in having identical copies, but at the same time, a route could have 95% the same, but with a crucial bit differing, so similar routes could be merged into a route with options (e.g. at this point,  you could go on the north path for a hill view, or the south path for a sea view, they meet a little later)

  • Slow Ways Support

    Thank you David and Mark!!!

    In the future routes will be "archived". They'll be visible but be labelled as archived. They'll keep their number and all new routes will be numbered above that one.

    Like the idea of testing the two routes to see how similar they are. Even 1% change could be of benefit though?

    - Dan

  • mark

    Yep, a 1% change can be critical....

    ... in a case like this, I would be replacing the original problematic route with David's fix, and my alternate gets the next number up.

    Archiving an unsuitable, but workable, route is reasonable.... but a route that should not be used should not be (easily) visible, and the gpx should not be (easily) grabbable.

  • mark

    .... for cases like this, some human decision for each case seems reasonable



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