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Can we make the 50 least direct Slow Ways routes more direct?




  • Cristie Moore

    Hello Mike,

    Thank you so much for using your local knowledge to suggest better routes for Rhyhun one.  As you've created two alternatives that are similar distances I've removed Rhyhun one from the network.  As you say we wouldn't want anyone to end up stuck somewhere for the sake of completing a survey on a route you're pretty sure wouldn't be practical and that has good alternatives.

    What you can do if you come across similar routes is to leave a one star review on the route page as well as getting in touch with Slow Ways.  You can mention in your review that you haven't walked the whole route but add notes around the section that concerns you.  This will then help others who come to the route to make informed choices.

    Thank you again for the efforts of yourself and everyone in this feed who is helping with Slow Ways.

    Best wishes,



  • David Sanderson

    I actually got round to walking my version of Rowold.


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