How should we improve our stars!?
Following feedback, we're exploring how we can improve our review stars and use of reviews.
At the moment we simply have five stars for how the route is "overall" and then the ability to verify a route, flag it and add a comment.
How do you think we could improve:
1) Stars - The feedback is that we should consider having stars for other variables too. Maybe things like how enjoyable a route is, safety or other things.
2) Tagging - There is also the idea of having a mini survey as part of the review, with the option for people to tag a route to show that, for example, it is cow-free, step-free or it crossed military training areas. There could also be something to indicate a temporary barrier or closure.
3) Anything else - Is there something else we should be considering?
I'm hoping we can use this thread to get to an idea that can be tested on the wider Slow Ways community through the newsletter.
This draft survey is not going to be sent out, but sets out some thinking and lists both our methodology and lists everything collected in the survey other than measurements and the grading. You might want to use this for reviewing what we are collecting at present.
We'd love to hear any suggestions!
Many thanks, Dan
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