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Issues uploading a route

Followed by 4 people



  • Lynn Jackson

    This has happened to a few of us PO. We think that it’s because we’ve created routes using the new OS Maps website.

    Try creating the route using the Classic OS Map website and let us know if that works.

  • PhilthyOne

    Excellent, Lynn, thank you very much. That was exactly what it was. Although I had to go to the effort of resetting my browser in order to get back to the OS Maps Classic theme before it would let me.

    Many thanks, your help was much appreciated. That's me uploaded my first ever route! 

    Kind regards,


  • Cristie Moore

    Congratulations on your first route Phil and thanks for sticking with the OS Maps workaround. We almost have a fix ready to go live.

    Thanks Lynn for your help.

    Best wishes,

  • Ken

    I've just been chatting to a friend who was having difficult uploading an alternative route. They had taken the OSMaps 7 day trial and opted for the new version so as DS has indicated I suggested they opt for the original version. Just before we reached this point I also suggested they email me the .gpx file and I would display this on my Memory Map. No that didn't work all I got was a single waypoint at one end of the route. So is the issue with Slow Ways or with OSMaps?

  • Cristie Moore

    Hi Everyone,

    You'll be pleased to hear that it's now possible to upload gpx files created using the new version of OS maps.  Please do let us know though if there are any further issues?

    Ken, what you describe sounds like an issue with the gpx file and so it could be OS maps.  Did they create the new file from scratch or using one downloaded from Slow Ways that they edited?  If it's the latter then it might be worth checking the original file on your Memory Map.  Let me know how you get on.

    Best wishes,


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