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Visibility of all alternative routes on the same map



  • Ken

    Yes I agree. I struggle to get back to the map showing all routes.

  • Daisy Cairns

    Geez, yes, yes, yes! Please! I challenge anyone to disentangle the overabundance of overlapping routes around Milford Haven, Neyland, Pembroke and Pembroke Dock without it.

    I've switched to download/uploading the gpx to plotaroute instead of struggling with this on the Slow Ways site.

    Alternatively / also could routes highlight + names popup on hover? Ideally on any map when the Routes layer is selected (only at high zoom levels and hovering over sections without overlap obviously), not just on that particular Slow Way page.

  • Hugh Hudson

    I like this idea a lot, as long as it does not slow down the route loading on slow phone connections. It would also be good to be able to omit flagged routes, since a lot of routes only exist to circumvent small problem areas.

  • Daisy Cairns

    Maybe it would only be available on demand, when you actively click? Or select a layer? Or just the Journey Planner page? Or the particular SlowWay page. Although the latter would help much near Milford Haven. There is already slight variation in the available layers on different types of map view for seeing verified/unverified routes.

  • Daisy Cairns

    Looking back I thought this conversation was about how to use those /SlowWay/ pages, but I'm not sure all the others would agree. Those pages definitely need more love. 

    And also after some reflection limiting highlighting to the Journey Planner page is fine, but - for my wish list idea - please improve the navigation within the JP page and make a new highlight turn off a previous one.


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