GPX file names
When a new GPX file is uploaded it seems to retain the author-given filename, which then reappears when someone else downloads it or prints it using InkAtlas. I naively imagined the filenames would be re-generated to match the existing naming system. I think this might cause some problems further down the line.
Embarrassingly I've often used long and indecipherable names to easily contrast with other potential routes. And mostly a different number suffix for my own use, which doesn't match the final one on the SlowWays website, so a website user trying to travel from Place to Name might expect to download PlaNam 2 and my PlaNam 4 gpx file appears, I think this will be the worst problem, especially if they are trying to compare different routes, or use a pick&mix say by uploading both gpx files to one InkAtlas map.
The screenshot example is fairly inoffensive, but recent ones I may or may not have uploaded include "LocKir 8 CPth Gomo +TbRd No Auchtl No Raith.gpx" and "Harsol 4 4.5kON 51%off Sim1 HkGn Not Mph NoPub".
Also my route plotter app warns that some devices don't accept filenames >15 char.
And finally... my note-to-self shorthand annotations on the map are preserved too. And possibly notes in the text box too, which could have verbatim and incomplete note-keeping of queries and (maybe/maybe not) answers, and quite likely about sections not used in the final version. More head scratching moments of misdirection for a future Slow Ways user.
As a future tweak is the GPX filenames rename on upload a possibility. And having flags and notes scraped off too? Perhaps as a shorter term fix, a warning note to route authors before upload.
Hi Daisy,
You got me curious as I thought the files were renamed when they went into the Slow Ways site. I've checked Harsol two and Lockir two and the file names are not yours. They are 10130_Harsol_Hartley_(Sevenoaks)_Sole_Street and 10083_Lockir_Lochgelly_Kirkcaldy. I wonder if there are cookies on your computer that are retaining the file names for you.
I took a look at Avesou two in InkAtlas too and can't see your annotations so I wonder if that is a cookie thing too.
So it looks as though all the files are cleaned and good for others to use. If anyone is having a similar issue please do raise it here.
Best wishes,
Cristie0 -
Pretty sure cookies are not the issue, aren't they related to web pages rather than down/uploaded files? And I doubt your cookies would know what had been happening on my laptop.
Inkatlas is getting the info directly from slowways. and *your* new screenshot is showing my uploaded filename - with "FINAL" after Avesou 2. and all my pins (a click or hover will probably make the text appear for you).
If the filenames are as expected on download that is a relief, but then Inkatlas must be using another EXIF field to populate the box where the "track name" is showing. Perhaps one like Title, or Name, or Subject. The route creation website must be populating that automatically, and probably other EXIF fields. I'd be surprised if they didn't leave several digital signatures relating back to their website. I know other people here also
Did you try the next step, making the pdf? I wonder if the blue pins will show there. Or if the longer track name will appear beside the route line.
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Hi Cristie. It looks like the flag text and the longer track names also appear on the pdfs.
The flags showing on the InkAtlas page got in the way as I tried to generate the pdf for AveSou 2. I use the polygon (better IMO) and the flags make it impossible (?difficult) to click on adjustment points close by. As well as the mildly confusing text.
The longer names may be a problem as they obscure street names, even more than the InkAtlas line already does.
My mother and a friend walked a short local Slow Way route recently which was an interesting test of usability. I tried to give her the best possible arrangement and resolution of InkAtlas map but feedback was not positive! She particularly singled out the hidden street names and probably won't test any more routes! That's a her / InkAtlas thing, and not a SlowWays thing, but making it worse with longer track names is not ideal.
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The filenames are updated when routes are uploaded, but the user-supplied titles (stored within the GPX file using the <name> tag) are not. The OS App also uses these titles in its lists, and some of the ones I have added from Slow Ways are very unhelpful.
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Hi Daisy and Hugh,
Thank you both so much for investigating and also feeding back about OS App. I could then see what you meant about the file name and the flags Daisy, sorry for not seeing them before.
I will pass the information onto the developers to make them aware and see what might be possible.
Best wishes,
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