Lynn Jackson

  • Total activity 265
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  • Votes 113
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Recent activity by Lynn Jackson Recent activity Votes
  • Path Surfaces

    I've been wondering how to describe the different types of path surfaces and I came across this excellent guide (you'll need to download the pdf from here) The Path Manager's Guide to Grading - Pat...

  • How do you submit a blog?

    I have just completed my survey of Ilkbee and it's taken many times longer than the suggested 20 minutes! :) This isn't a complaint as I knew that this would happen, but I have learned a lot comple...

  • Reduce photo size to increase numbers?

    I have just completed the review and survey for Ilkbee and have come across the limit of 15 photos for each. I completely understand that you have to limit the number of photos for server storage, ...

  • Measuring inclines?

    What is the best way to measure an incline using your iPhone? When I told my husband that measuring inclines was part of the survey, he pointed out that to avoid distortions and small undulations, ...

  • Walkers Are Welcome website

    Walkers Are Welcome is an organisation that helps villages and towns be attractive to walkers when they come into the settlement.  They also encourage people new to walking . Advice-to-new-walkers....

  • Technical section required?

    There may be a need to a technical section of the site for questions regarding gpx files, uploading and downloading routes, creating routes on PCs and Macs, etc. There are many volunteers who can h...

  • Exemplars?

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking forward to surveying my first route in the next couple of weeks, but I am nervous about uploading my first route. I know it won't be perfect but I want it to at least be fu...