The ambition is to create a nationwide network of Slow Ways walking routes that is trusted and used with confidence. To do that requires ‘verifying’ each specific route to make sure it merits inclusion in the Slow Ways network.
A verified route is indicated by a snail symbol with a tick in its shell on a Slow Ways route page.
Help to confirm if a route should be included or not by leaving a review on a route page. Part of this process asks if you think the route is good enough to be included in the verified network or not.
‘Verified’ means that a route has been positively reviewed by a minimum of three people who think the route is good enough to be in the network. For example: Would you be willing to walk the route again? Would you recommend the route to others? Does it fit with the Slow Ways set methodology (see ‘Adding a route’)?
[A route can lose its verified status if the majority of reviewers submit that a route is not good enough to be in the verified network.]
Please note:
- A verified route is not necessarily accessible for everyone.
- Consider a Slow Ways route in relation to its landscape. Challenging routes in remote places where there are no other route options can be included.
- Long distances can be appropriate, and don’t prevent a route from being verified.
Reasons a route might not be verified include:
- it’s dangerous
- it’s poorly drawn
- it doesn’t stick to Slow Ways methodology (see ‘Adding a route’)
- it’s overly dependent on roads compared to alternatives.
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