The 7,000+ walking routes that created the ‘first draft’ of the Slow Ways network were mapped by volunteers. Slow Ways is a grassroots initiative reliant on user contributions.
The invitation in 2021 is to help walk and review all 100,000km+ of the Slow Ways routes that have been drafted. That’s the equivalent of walking 2.5 times around the equator. Shared between 10,000 contributors – individuals, established groups, new groups and collaborators – that’s an average of just 10km each.
This will help establish a trusted, credible and user-verified network of Slow Ways routes as a means of making walking journeys between all of Great Britain’s towns and cities and many more places too.
You can get involved by walking and reviewing (as well as rating, verifying, and surveying) one or more Slow Ways routes.
There’s much more information on our Get Involved pages.
And just sign up to receive updates about Slow Ways.
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