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  • Daisy Cairns

    Thanks for these links. I've been struggling to find the survey training too.

    I have a suggestion/request for the Slow Ways Team. Can the "How To" article below please include a link to the training?

    Not all users will search through these forum discussions. Especially as this one becomes less and less recent.

    There are also some places in the main site where a link would be useful. I look around and came across at least one link that didn't link and other pages which stated that you need to complete it, but didn't say how. Sorry but I can't tell you what pages they are at the moment (probably the FAQ as a start) because the website is down. Admittedly it probably didn't occur to me to look on my profile, my bad, but signposting could still help in case there are others like me.

    Thank you

  • Philip Brown


  • Dave Fordham

    A link is available from your Profile,


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