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When we start surveying



  • Official comment
    Slow Ways Support

    You can now see which routes have been surveyed on every place page.


  • Slow Ways Support

    Yes. The top page of the survey combines all the surveys - so anything will contribute to that... even if it's just answers to a few questions. More complete surveys are better, but you can also just submit what you know.

    The key thing is to follow the rules in the training!

    - Dan

  • Slow Ways Support

    Hi David, thanks for asking.

    We actually really want to have multiple surveys for the same routes. Having a number of surveys will help to build consensus and trust around a route. One the survey page people will be able to see all surveys that are submitted, so they will all be valuable.

    Hope that works for you? Which route are you thinking of surveying?

    - Dan

  • David Sanderson

    Well that's the thing! My plan today was to get some walking done and submit some reviews rather than surveying which I anticipated being a little more labour intensive. Saying that I did find myself with a surveyor hat on as it were and was making notes of surfaces and accessibility issues. I didn't take any measurements but I realised as I walked that it was actually quite obvious where the steepest places were and regretted not taking the tape measure or sprit level with me. Are you saying that any surveying we can do as we go would be good?

  • Matthew Law

    I think what Dan means (correct me if I'm wrong!) is that surveys should be of the whole route (as they ask for things like the worst surface at any point in the route), but that it's not necessary to complete every survey question when surveying a route (eg it's okay not to have measured the steepest incline or camber, or to not answer questions about what % is on what surface, etc). So it's okay to only answer a few survey questions, having completed the whole route, but not to only survey a portion of a route.

  • Slow Ways Support

    Yes, that's correct Matthew. Thanks for clarifying that.

    You should walk the whole route (to make sure you've seen everything), but you are free to only answer questions to know the answer to... or if you have limited time... have time to respond to.

  • David Sanderson


  • Robert Bagnall

    Dan’s response seems to contradict advice elsewhere to x333xxx who wanted to survey a partial route between villages that made up an element of a longer route - the guidance there was all or nothing, please...


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