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Map My Walk and GPX files



  • Chris Waite

    I've just tried OsmAnd works fine with the slow ways gpx files, thanks for the recommendation!

  • TC

    "using the GPX files" is a little vague so a little difficult to recommend.

    GPX files can contain different things: routes, tracks.  I think a track is what a GPS records when you go for a walk and make a recording; it includes what time you were at each point.

    On my phone I use OsmAnd to navigate with GPX files and to record them.

    On my computer I use Viking, sometimes for editing and for handling geotagged photos.

    For looking at routes on a map in a web browser I use Where's The Path.

    Hopefully one of those will let you do what you want.  I won't make any claim as to how good they are compared to anything else, but they allow me to do all I have wanted.  I tend to stop looking at new software once I have found something that does what I want.

  • Chris Waite

    Thanks for your reply.
    In terms of what I am using gpx files for, which I thought would have been obvious. I'm downloading routes from slow ways and want to upload them to a map app to help me walking the rote.

    I posted because one of the slow ways recommended apps - map my walk - doesn't accept the gpx files on slow ways.

    Thanks for the recommendation of osmand, I'll try using this app to upload a gpx file from the site.


  • TC

    I have not used map my walk, but I think it might be for uploading walk recordings you have made to keep/share a walk you have done.

  • mstone

    I have been using MapMyWalk for a few years and like it a lot. However, I hit the same problem as Chris recently in being unable to upload gpx files whether they came from SlowWays or anywhere else (including some that I had previously been able to upload). I raised it with MapMyWalk support on April 21st and was told it was a known problem. I would have thought it an important one but no resolution has been delivered yet. In the interim I have started using GPX Viewer Pro which is also good but I've yet to find how I can get it to simultaneously track against a loaded route and record my movement (drawing a line showing deviations from the gpx route loaded) as I've been used to doing with MapMyWalk. 


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