Jason Davies

Data and geospatial analyst in the West Midlands.

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Recent activity by Jason Davies Recent activity Votes
  • Hi, Thanks for your offer of help Peter, and everyone for all the comments on the thread. At the moment we're reviewing all the settlements and routes to make sure they're (a) all there and (b) lin...

  • Hi Robert, I think that's a great idea and as a keen bike rider, I'd be really interested in exploring this with you and others. I have a feeling some of the existing routes (and sections thereof) ...

  • Hi Peter, I think the plan is to create a specific website for Slow Ways. Have you seen this post? https://slowways.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/community/posts/360010364837-Ideas-for-the-Slow-Ways-website 

  • Which city have you been looking at Ed? Is it Birmingham?

  • Hi Heather Walton That's a great idea and perfectly possible using GIS tools J  

  • Hello, all, Following this thread with interest. Picking up on Ed's earlier point, do you envisage any commercial sensitivity or conflict in incorporating What3Words into OS software? I'm not an in...

  • Hi Chris Chapman! I figured out the GPX to region problem! Got the files into QGIS in one go eventually using the batch GPS plugin (thanks for the heads up) but I had to select "route only" before ...

  • Another possible use of GIS would be to analyse "overlap" to see how many routes use the same sections or bits. There might be some benefit to that potentially?

  • Looks great! Good progress too. Yes I've got the same plugin. I suspect either (a) there's an issue with my GPX files or (b) I'm trying to load too many in one go. I was hoping to convert the file ...

  • Hi Chris Chapman Good idea. I use GIS too (Esri / QGIS) and would be keen to contribute to ideas on this thread. Some of your suggestions are great. One thing I've been struggling with a bit is to ...