Cristie Moore

  • Total activity 524
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  • Following 0 users
  • Followed by 1 user
  • Votes 2
  • Subscriptions 191


Recent activity by Cristie Moore Recent activity Votes
  • Hayfield needs three routes

    Hello, Hayfield in Derbyshire has been added as a place in the Slow Ways network.  It now needs routes created for it's three Slow Ways.  Please would...

  • Petbor needs a new route

    Hello, Please could anyone help with a new route for Petbor one?  There are some nice suggestions in the reviews around how it could be amended so the crossing of the A3 is safer. https://beta.slow...

  • Chebol needs a new route

    Hello, Please would anyone like to create an alternative route for Chebol one? This part has been suggested as unsafe due to it being a fast back road wi...

  • Brihor needs a new route

    Hello, Please would anyone like to take a look at Brihor one and suggest a new route? There are some great reviews that suggest the issues to avo...

  • Thubar needs a new route

    Hello, Please would anyone like to create an amended route for Thubar? Thubar one goes through Wentworth Castle Parkland which is now owned by National Trust and only accessible to paying customers...

  • Norwin needs a new route

    Hello, Please would you like to have a look at Norwin one and suggest a better route?  The reviews are really helpful for showing where the issues are around private land

  • Cowbur, Lockir, Cowkin and Cowkir need new routes (all same issue)

    Please would you like to help to suggest better routes for Cowbur, Lockir, Cowkin and Cowkir?  They haven't been fully tested but each use a section of dismantled railway which isn't a path. This r...

  • Danbon needs a new route

    Hello, Please could you help redraw the route for Danbon?  If you read the review you'll see that it goes across private land.  Best wishes,Cristie

  • Sililk needs a new route

    Hello, Please can anyone help with submitting a new route for Sililk? Below is an image with the green footpath where the route needs to go.

  • Twybra needs a new route!

    There's been a really helpful review alerting us to the route going across private land - image below.  Please would anyone like to suggest a new route?  It can take use their suggestions or go a d...