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Latest activity by Ross
  • Ross commented,

    Thank you Hugh, I will give that a go.

  • Ross commented,

    I have used the OSMaps app and checked the GPX file using garmin bascamp to see that it does have elevation info.This time I exported from Garmin basecamp, but still no elevation information on slo...

  • Ross created a post,

    Ilksun three

    I have created a new GPX for Ilksun that avoids the Non-existant path over the moor, instead  of route one that follows the Dales Way Link path.  Despite trying with a couple of packages now I am u...

  • Ross commented,

    I Agree Des, the pub has never been open the times I have passed.  However, moving a node now I imagine will be quite tricky.I have added an alternative for Ilkley to the sun inn that avoids the no...

  • Ross commented,

    Hi Allan, if you go to your selected slowway on the slowways site and download the gpx file onto your phone, my phone used to show a message saying download completed. I would then tap this message...

  • Ross commented,

    Great site. The information seems to be basic initial data.  It would be very helpful if this could be linked in to the Slow ways reviews. Will update as I review for the time being. Thank you David.

  • Ross commented,

    Hi John, I had a farm on my route at the weekend where it was unclear how to get through the farm yard as not sign posted. I completed a review and added a note about the issue in the comment.

  • Ross commented,

    I found multiple photos are best loaded as a photo survey, under surveys.

  • Ross commented,

    Yes I found the when recoding a review only one photo can be selected. I initially uploaded the wrong photo the was able to replace it by uploading it as a second.